Should I End FWB Because of Feelings?

In a friends with benefits relationship, the partners have no commitment to each other, instead they are free to stay or move on whenever they want. It is perfect for people who are wanting to have sexual benefits without the effort of maintaining a relationship.

Something important to note is that every FWB relationship is unique. Just like traditional relationships, the FWB relationship is based around those who are involved. For example, some FWB relationships are between strangers while others are between people who were friends beforehand. Another important thing to keep in mind is that some FWB relationships allow for the partners to hang out when not having sex while others don't.

Despite how diverse these relationships are, we still find ourselves getting the question as to whether or not someone should end a FWB relationship because of feelings.

The answer we are going to give you is, it depends.

In many friends with benefits relationships, you will find yourself ending the relationship because of feelings. This is because feelings often violate the idea that the relationships are supposed to be free of entanglements.

End FWB Feelings

Communicating with Your Partner

One thing to keep in mind though is that you should be communicating with your partner. Communication is key in any relationship. Should you find yourself in a situation where you are starting to develop feelings for a FWB partner, you will want to talk with your partner. Even if your decision is that you want to break off the relationship, your partner deserves to know.

It is also important to communicate because you do not know if your partner is developing feelings. You might be at a point where you both have feelings for each other and want to explore those further.

Be Straight Forward

Feelings can be hard to discuss so many people are looking for advice on how to do so. The best advice we can give you is to tell the truth and to be straight forward. Beating around the bush can lead to people getting frustrated and negative outcomes.

Even if you can't put your feelings into words, try to express them to the best of your ability. It is the attempt to communicate that matters.

One thing that we highly recommend not doing is communicating over text. The best way to communicate a breakup and/or feelings is to do so in person. If you cannot do so in person, have a phone conversation if you can.

Not an Obligation

Just because you start to have feelings for your FWB partner does not mean that you have to stay with them or that you have any obligation to them. You can end the relationship if that is what you want. So can your partner. These relationships are designed to be open to the people involved.

What Happens Next?

You will probably be wondering what is going to happen after you communicate that you have feelings. Unfortunately, we cannot tell you what will happen in your relationship. You will have to communicate with your partner.

We will let you know that many friends with benefits relationships end when feelings arise simply because it is counter to the idea of the relationship.

Where to Find Your Next FWB Relationship?

So you communicate your feelings to your partner, where do you go now? Here are a few places to find your next FWB relationship.

FWB Dating Site

FWB dating sites like FWBdatingonly are one of the best places to turn in order to find a FWB relationship. When using these sites you will only find other people who are looking for the same type of relationship. You don't have to try to filter out other users.

Hookup Apps

Hookup apps can also be helpful for finding a FWB relationship. Especially more modern hookup apps that allow you to choose what type of relationship that you are looking for, such as Tinder. Another type of dating site that can be helpful is affair dating sites. These sites are already designed for casual encounters.

Bars and Nightclubs

If you want to meet your partner in the physical world, two of the best places to turn are bars and nightclubs. Many people who go to these establishments are looking for casual encounters and fun.

Friends with benefits relationships are quite popular but it also is common to catch feelings for those who you have casual relationships with. We hope this guide helps to prepare you for when you encounter feelings in a FWB relationship. If we had to stress one thing in the article, it would be to communicate.

by FWBdatingonly